
Day-by-Day Summary

Swann's Way ("Combray")
1: The narrator reflects on sleeping and waking
2: Swann comes to dinner
3: The narrator waits impatiently for his mother's kiss
4: The taste of a madeleine awakens memories of Combray
5: Portraits of Aunt Léonie and Françoise
6: Sundays in Combray
7: Reflections on the externality of nature and the internality of literature
8: Bloch introduces the narrator to the writings of Bergotte
9: The Sunday routine
10: More about Aunt Léonie and Françoise; Legrandin's odd behavior
11: Dinner with Legrandin; first glimpse of Gilberte
12: Mlle. Vinteuil's shocking behavior; death of Aunt Léonie
13: Narrator's adolescent sexuality; Mlle. Vinteuil and her lover
14: Narrator sees Mme. de Guermantes; epiphany of the three steeples

Swann's Way ("Swann in Love")
15: The Verdurins' "little set"; Swann falls in love with Odette
16: Dr. Cottard; Swann hears the Vinteuil sonata
17: Swann's infatuation with Odette deepens
18: Swann and Odette "make cattleya"; Swann begins to have doubts
19: Odette has doubts; the Verdurins dislike Swann
20: Swann's love turns to neurosis
21: Swann's jealousy increases; the Verdurins expel him from "the little set."
22: Odette travels with the Verdurins, flirts openly with Forcheville
23: Charlus becomes go-between for Swann and Odette
24: Swann attempts to wean himself from Odette
25: Swann and the Princess des Laumes
26: Swann concludes that things are over between him and Odette
27: Anonymous letter to Swann accuses Odette of promiscuity; he decides he is cured of his love for her

Swann's Way ("Place-Names: The Name")
28: The narrator spins fantasies about Balbec; about to travel to Florence and Venice, he falls ill
29: He meets Gilberte in the park and falls in love
30: He becomes obsessed with Gilberte and her parents

In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower ("At Mme. Swann's")
31: Narrator sees La Berma in Phèdre
32: M. de Norpois reveals truth about Swann's marriage
33: De Norpois criticizes Bergotte and the narrator's writing
34: Narrator wrestles with Gilberte and ejaculates
35: Cottard treats narrator's asthma; Gilberte invites narrator to tea
36: Narrator meets uncle of a girl named Albertine; anti-Semitism in French society
37: The Swanns' marriage
38: Narrator goes with Swanns to the Bois de Boulogne
39: Narrator meets Bergotte
40: Dinner and carriage ride with Bergotte
41: Bloch takes narrator to a brothel; Gilberte begins acting distant
42: Gilberte avoids narrator, who begins attending Odette's at-homes
43: Rivalry of Odette and Mme. Verdurin
44: Narrator's pining for Gilberte continues
45: Narrator finally breaks with Gilberte

In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower ("Place-Names: The Place")
46: Journey to Balbec
47: Narrator disappointed by church at Balbec
48: From homesickness to curiosity about hotel
49: Mme. de Villeparisis appears in hotel dining room
50: Snobbery at the hotel
51: Rides in the countryside with Mme. Villeparisis
52: Narrator meets Robert de Saint-Loup
53: Saint-Loup and Bloch
54: Charlus is Saint-Loup's uncle
55: Tea with Charlus, dinner with the Blochs
56: Saint-Loup and his mistress
57: The gang of girls
58: Narrator overhears a reference to "the Simonet girl"
59: Narrator gets drunk at Rivebelle
60: Narrator meets Elstir
61: Narrator sees Albertine Simonet at Elstir's
62: Narrator admires a sexually ambiguous portrait at Elstir's; shies from meeting Albertine and her gang
63: Narrator recognizes woman in portrait as Odette and Elstir as former member of Verdurin set
64: Narrator goes for a walk with Albertine
65: Narrator becomes infatuated with each of the girls in the gang
66: Narrator's obsession with the gang strains his friendship with Saint-Loup
67: Narrator takes oblique approach to winning Albertine, offending Andrée
68: Narrator angers Albertine by trying to kiss her; summer ends and they leave Balbec

The Guermantes Way ("Part I")
69: Narrator and family move to Hôtel de Guermantes
70: Narrator's fascination with Guermantes continues; goes to the Opéra
71: La Berma on stage, and a duel of fashion in the boxes
72: Narrator's obsession with the Duchesse and mistrust of Françoise
73: Narrator visits Saint-Loup at his garrison
74: Reflections on sleep and dreams; an anxiety attack
75: Saint-Loup and his regiment; narrator asks him for Duchesse's picture
76: Narrator makes friends with Saint-Loup's fellow soldiers and discusses the art of war
77: Saint-Loup and his mistress quarrel; he says he will arrange for narrator to see Elstir paintings owned by Duchesse
78: Narrator speaks with grandmother on telephone, decides to return home
79: Dreyfus case splits society; narrator encounters Legrandin
80: Narrator recognizes Saint-Loup's mistress
81: Tension arises between Saint-Loup and Rachel, and he resorts to violence
82: Narrator attends Mme. de Villeparisis's salon
83: Narrator introduced to Mme. de Guermantes
84: Bloch's faux pas at the salon; gossip about Saint-Loup and Rachel
85: Antisemitism and the Dreyfus case
86: Mme. de Villeparisis dismisses Bloch coldly; Saint-Loup's mother arrives
87: Saint-Loup arrives; narrator chats with the Duchesse; Odette arrives and narrator recalls the revelation about her when he was visited by Charles Morel
88: Narrator talks with Odette and Charlus, and is torn between loyalty to Saint-Loup and a desire to please Saint-Loup's mother
89: Narrator leaves salon, talks with Charlus
90: Grandmother treated for her illness, but suffers a stroke on a walk with the narrator

The Guermantes Way ("Part II")
91: Grandmother's illness is diagnosed as a fatal case of uremia
92: Grandmother dies
93: Albertine comes to see the narrator
94: Duchesse de Guermantes invites narrator to dinner; Charlus behaves oddly toward Bloch
95: Narrator anticipates his assignation with Mme. de Stermaria, but she breaks the date
96: Narrator dines with Saint-Loup
97: Narrator goes to Mme. de Guermantes's dinner party, sees the Elstirs, meets Princess of Parma
98: Narrator analyzes the manners and characteristics of the Guermantes
99: Further analysis of the Guermantes
100: The Duchess, the Duc, and their marriage
101: Dinner table conversation
102: More dinner table conversation; the Duchesse's character; innuendo about Charlus and Saint-Loup
103: Narrator's adventures in society; Charlus's anger; Swann's illness

Sodom and Gomorrah ("Part I")
104: Narrator witnesses liaison of Charlus and Jupien

Sodom and Gomorrah ("Part II")
105: Narrator goes to the Princesse de Guermantes's reception
106: Narrator observes society at the reception, and an apparent conflict between Swann and the Prince de Guermantes
107: Narrator investigates the scene between Swann and the Prince; Saint-Loup arrives at the soirée 
108: Saint-Loup renounces Dreyfus, but Swann reports that the Prince and Princesse de Guermantes are pro-Dreyfus
109: Narrator returns home, awaits Albertine's arrival
110: Odette's status in society rises, the Duchesse's declines
111: Narrator arrives in Balbec, suffers grief for his grandmother because of involuntary memory
112: Narrator's mother arrives, tries to get him to overcome his paralyzing grief
113: Narrator's grief eases, interest in Albertine revives
114: Narrator begins to suspect Albertine of lesbianism; converses with Mme. de Cambremer about art
115: Narrator confronts Albertine with his suspicions; she denies them
116: Narrator's suspicions continue
117: Albertine meets Saint-Loup; Charlus meets Charles Morel
118: Narrator goes to the Verdurins' "Wednesday"
119: Narrator travels by train with the Verdurins' "little set"
120: Narrator, Charlus, Morel, the Cambremers at the Verdurins' "Wednesday"
121: Dinner table conversation at the Verdurins
122: Sparring between Charlus and Mme. Verdurin; the latter courts the narrator to join her little set
123: Further reflections on sleep, memory, and time; Charlus visits the hotel with a footman; narrator reveals Charlus's identity to Aimé 
124: Narrator and Albertine tour in a motorcar and visit Mme. Verdurin
125: Charlus and Morel dine together; narrator's jealousy of Albertine
126: Narrator's jealousy of Albertine affects his friendship with Saint-Loup; Morel manipulates Verdurins into hiring the chauffeur
127: Narrator on Morel's character; Charlus becomes a faithful member of the little set; narrator's conflicted feelings for Albertine; narrator offends the Princesse Sherbatoff
128: Narrator analyzes the relationship between Charlus and Morel
129: Charlus fakes a challenge to a duel to maintain control over Morel
130: Charlus spies on Morel; Mme. Verdurin and Mme. de Cambremer spar socially
131: Narrator offends Bloch, in whom Charlus takes an interest; narrator decides marriage with Albertine isn't in the picture
132: Albertine's revelation that she knows Mlle. Vinteuil and her lover causes the narrator to change his mind and to ask Albertine to leave Balbec and go with him to Paris

The Prisoner 
133: Narrator brings Albertine to stay in his parents' house in Paris
134: Narrator consults with the Duchesse de Guermantes on clothes he wants to buy for Albertine
135: Charlus encourages Morel's plans to marry Jupien's niece
136: Narrator comes home early and surprises Andrée and Albertine; the narrator's possessiveness; his suggestion that he be called by the author's name, i.e. "Marcel"
137: The narrator reflects on the nature of love and its relationship to anxiety and jealousy
138: Further analysis of the narrator's relationship with Albertine
139: The narrator reflects on the interface between waking and dreaming, and on the choice between living with or separating from Albertine
140: Narrator learns that the chauffeur has let Albertine out of his sight on a trip to Versailles; he lets her go to the Trocadéro with Andrée, but learns that Léa is performing there and fears that Albertine may meet up with Léa's  lesbian friends
141: Narrator persuades Albertine to leave the theater and return home to him
142: Narrator increasingly "imprisoned" by his obsession with Albertine
143: Bergotte's death; Morel's dilemma over his engagement to Jupien's niece
144: Narrator meets Brichot and Charlus on the way to the Verdurins'; Swann's death; reflections on homosexuality
145: Princess Sherbatoff's death; tensions arise between Charlus and Mme. Verdurin
146: Cottard's death; rudeness of Charlus's guests toward Mme. Verdurin; narrator listens to Vinteuil's music
147: The narrator is transported by the music; Saniette suffers a fatal stroke; snubbed by Charlus' guests, Mme. Verdurin plots to separate Morel from Charlus
148: The narrator is disturbed by Mme. Verdurin's plot against Charlus; death of Mme. de Villeparisis
149: Charlus and Brichot talk about homosexuality
150: The Verdurins succeed in alienating Morel from Charlus; Charlus becomes ill; continuity errors concerning Cottard's and Saniette's deaths
151: Narrator and Albertine quarrel, and he tells her to leave
152: Narrator learns that Albertine had once spent time with Léa; he calls off their separation, a plot devised to keep her his prisoner
153: Narrator analyzes the nature of his obsession with Albertine while listening to her play Vinteuil's music
154: Albertine leaves

The Fugitive (Chapter I: Grieving and Forgetting)
155: Distraught about Albertine's departure, the narrator finds a little girl on the street and takes her home with him, then sends her away with five hundred francs; he sends Saint-Loup to try to bribe Mme. Bontemps in forcing her return
156: The little girl's parents file charges against him; Saint-Loup's mission fails; narrator writes to Albertine asking her not to return but hoping the letter will have the opposite effect
157: Albertine's death
158: Anatomy of narrator's grief; narrator sends Aimé to Balbec
159: Narrator ponders the causes of Albertine's death, begins to imagine she has faked her death
160: Aimé's reports from Balbec and Touraine confirm the narrator's suspicions about Albertine's relations with women
161: Narrator begins to come to terms with Albertine's death; Andrée confirms that she has feelings for women but denies ever having relations with Albertine

The Fugitive (Chapter II: Mademoiselle de Forcheville) 
162: Narrator reconnects with Gilberte; his article is published
163: Gilberte's snobbery; narrator's new relationship with Andrée
164: Andrée's revelations about Albertine

The Fugitive (Chapter III: Staying in Venice) 
165: Narrator and mother go to Venice; he receives telegram purporting to be from Albertine

The Fugitive (Chapter IV: A New Side to Saint-Loup)
166: Narrator and mother leave Venice; he solves mystery of the telegram; Gilberte marries Saint-Loup; Saint-Loup and Morel; narrator returns to Combray and is disillusioned

Finding Time Again
167: Staying with Gilberte at Tansonville, narrator reflects on Saint-Loup's changed character and on his own failure as a writer
168: Narrator returns to wartime Paris in 1916 after stay in a sanatorium; Mme. Verdurin rules society
169: Narrator recalls stay in Paris in 1914 at start of war; Saint-Loup's attitude toward war
170: Paris in 1916; occupation and destruction of Combray; Charlus estranged from society
171: Narrator and Charlus converse about the war  
172: Narrator witnesses Charlus being beaten; speculations on the relationship of Charlus and Morel
173: Jupien's male brothel; Saint-Loup loses his croix de guerre
174: Death of Saint-Loup; meeting with aged Charlus
175: Narrator and Jupien talk about Charlus; uneven paving-stones launch a series of epiphanies for the narrator
176: Narrator begins to discover the purpose of art and his vocation as a writer
177: Reflections on experience and its role in artistic creation
178: Narrator joins the party in the drawing-room and is astonished how age has changed everyone
179: Odette in old age; Bloch in society; how Mme. Verdurin became Princesse de Guermantes; Morel's respectability; changes in the Faubourg Saint-Germain
180: Reflections on the mutability of social reputation, on the relationship of memory and identity, on the threads that make up a life
181: Rachel performs at the party; the aging Duchesse de Guermantes 
182: The narrator assumes the task of writing his novel